Publication scheme

A publication scheme tells you about the kinds of information that a public authority should make available to the public.


Information and Services and charges, where these apply.

Growth, Highways & Infrastructure

Suffolk Archives 

Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service

Suffolk Legal Services

Who we are, what we do and how we make decisions

Find out about county councillors, consultations, committees and meetings, council directorates, salaries.

Full group of councillors sitting in the Council Chamber

What we spend and how we spend it

woman using calculator and writing notes on paper

Find out about how Council tax is calculated, how your money is spent, procurement and tendering process.  Current annual accounts and pensions. 

Budget, Council tax and finance | Suffolk County Council

Tenders and supplying us | Suffolk County Council

What our policies are and how we are doing

Corporate strategy cover image

Find out about how the Council develops policies, plans, priorities and makes decisions. Free data about Suffolk and the Council available to the general public and organisation.

Our Ambitions for Suffolk | Suffolk County Council

Our plans and priorities | Suffolk County Council

Council data and transparency | Suffolk County Council

Open Data Suffolk | Suffolk County Council

Corporate performance reports | Suffolk County Council

Services Provided by the Council

Children & Young People’s Services

Two smiling children sitting together

Adult & Community Services

Woman and her mother using a laptop

Public Health

Person pouring food into dish with saucepan

Fire & Public Safety

lone firefighter putting out fire with hose

Growth, Highways & Infrastructure

orwell bridge at sunset

Corporate Services

woman holding baby in her arms